FAMILY biographies
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Categories: Arts, Business, Family, Politics UK, Politics USA, Politics World, Science, War, Writers.
The following authors have written biographies of their family members. The books are ordered by date of publication, latest first. Click on a biographee for an author video and to buy the book.
Husain Family. Victims of partition. By Mishal Husain. 2024.
Baddiel Family. An unfaithful mother. By David Baddiel. 2024.
Finkelstein Family. Persecuted lives. By Daniel Finkelstein.2023.
Ypi Family. Albania in upheaval. By Lea Ypi. 2022.
Renton Family. West Indian slavery. By Alex Renton. 2021.
Mount, Family. Aunt Munca’s rise. By Ferdinand Mount. 2020.
Hadley Family. Story of persecution. By Freeman Hadley. 2020.
Cumming Family. Mother went missing. By Laura Cumming. 2019.
Szirtes, George. Tragedy & upheaval. The Photographer at Sixteen. 2019.
van Es Family. Harrowing life story. By Bart van Es. 2018.
Sands Family. Fleeing persecution. By Phillippe Sands. 2016.
Stott Family. Fundamentalist Christianity. By Rebecca Stott. 2017.
Matar Family. Losing a father. By Hisham Matar. 2016.
Carew Family. A father’s life. By Keggie Carew.2016.
Cumming Family. Mysteries unfold. By Alan Cumming. 2014.
Frayn Family. A father’s life. By Michael Frayn. 2010.
Bennett Family. His parents’ life. By Alan Bennett. 2009.